Hypnobirthing is a transformative approach to childbirth, deeply rooted in concepts introduced by Dr. Grantley Dick-Read more than a century ago. In his  book 'Childbirth Without Fear', Dr. Dick-Read proposed a revolutionary idea: the fear and anxiety surrounding childbirth can amplify discomfort and pain. He suggested that with the right mindset, women could experience a more natural and less painful birth.

Fast forward to the late 20th century, Marie Mongan, a pioneer in the field of childbirth education, took these ideas in the United States. In 1989, she developed what is now known as hypnobirthing, a method that harmoniously blends relaxation, self-hypnosis, and deep breathing techniques. Her work has opened a path to a more serene and manageable birthing process, advocating for a woman's natural ability to give birth with minimal medical intervention.

Hypnobirthing is built on the philosophy that the human body is perfectly designed to bring life into the world. It teaches that by reducing fear, stress, and anxiety, the body can function as nature intended during childbirth. The practice involves several key techniques: deep breathing for relaxation, visualisation to create a positive birthing environment, and affirmative thinking to empower and build confidence. These tools not only prepare mothers-to-be physically but also mentally and spiritually for the journey of childbirth.

Through hypnobirthing, expectant parents are encouraged to embrace childbirth as a natural, empowering experience. It shifts the focus from viewing birth as a medical event to a natural process. The goal is to provide parents with skills to achieve a calm, peaceful, and positive birthing experience, often leading to more satisfying and joyful birth outcomes.

The legacy of Dr. Dick-Read and the innovation of Marie Mongan have transformed childbirth education, making hypnobirthing a respected and sought-after approach for those seeking a holistic and mindful birthing experience. By embracing these techniques, many women have reported feeling more in control, more relaxed, and more connected with their birthing journey, leading to an overall positive and fulfilling birth experience.


A birth doesn’t have to be scary and the principle of hypnobirthing is to remove fears in order to reduce pain and complications during childbirth. The techniques of hypnobirthing to get this positive birth experience are based on three pillars: 

  • Relaxation: how to obtain a sense of deep relaxation through self-hypnosis and breathing techniques so that you can allow your body to do its job during birth. 

  • Mindset : Understand the mind-body connection and how your thoughts and beliefs can impact our physical experience. How to positively reframe what is happening during birth in your mind so that you can accept the intensity of birth and surrender to it. 

  • Environment : How to create the perfect environment for your birth by knowing the process of birth. Understand that the body is designed for childbirth and can under most circumstances and whenever is possible function without intervention for the mother and the baby.


Hypnobirthing can make giving birth easier and more positive. It can:

  • Make labor shorter.

  • Help you feel relaxed and in control, like you're daydreaming.

  • Ease worries about giving birth, especially if you've had a tough experience before.

  • Lower the chance of feeling down after the baby arrives.

  • Reduce the need for medicine during labor.

It's like taking a childbirth class that not only prepares you but also puts you in a dream-like state during labor. Many moms have shared how it made their birth pain-free or helped them stay calm and in charge, even when it hurt.

Hypnobirthing, Hypnobabies, or just lots of meditation and relaxation – they all can make a big difference. They usually mean less pain, fewer medical procedures, and less need for drugs during birth. But remember, every birth is unique.

Can I do hypnobirthing even if I have a C-section or am considering other pain relief options?

Absolutely. I tailor my hypnobirthing sessions to meet your unique needs and birth plan, whether that includes a C-section or other forms of pain relief. My goal is to equip you with tools to reduce fear and tension, regardless of how your baby is born. Through techniques like deep relaxation, unique breathing exercises, and visualisation, I aim to help you achieve a calm and peaceful birth experience. These skills are valuable in any birthing scenario, ensuring you feel empowered and supported.