Empowering your journey to parenthood and beyond

Welcome! I am Aude

I’m here to support you and your partner through every step of your parenting journey. Whether it's your first time or you've been here before, I'm all about making things easier and more comfortable for you.

🌟 Personalised Care Just for You: Everyone's journey is unique, and that's why I tailor my support to fit your needs. It's not just about the physical part - I'm here to take care of your emotional and mental well-being too.

📍 Always Here for You: Whether you prefer to meet in person or chat over a video call, I'm just a call away. I'm based in South London, but my virtual door is open to anyone, anywhere!

🤱 From Pregnancy to Parenthood: Need a hand during pregnancy, labor, or even after your little one arrives? I've got your back. I'm all about giving you the confidence and support you need to make this journey a memorable and empowering one.

💬 Let's Chat! Got questions? Just curious? I'd love to hear from you. Reach out anytime, and let's start this beautiful journey together.

My mission

Navigating the path of pregnancy, birth, and early parenthood can be overwhelming. Many expectant parents and new families often find themselves without adequate support, which can lead to challenging experiences such as emotional distress or difficulty in managing a new baby's needs. This not only affects the parents but also the emotional wellbeing and development of the child.

At the heart of my mission is the desire to provide a guiding hand to expectant and new mothers. I am dedicated to offering the emotional support and practical guidance necessary for a positive birthing experience and a confident step into motherhood.

In addition to supporting new mothers, I am also deeply committed to helping families facing the challenges of infant and toddler sleep issues. I understand how these struggles can strain family dynamics and disrupt work-life balance. My approach is compassionate and holistic, focusing on developing gentle and effective strategies for better sleep patterns. This approach helps families find balance and peace, without resorting to letting the baby cry for extended periods.

Through this supportive and understanding partnership, I aim to enhance the well-being of families, making the journey into parenthood a more joyful and fulfilling experience.

Work with me


Tailored Prenatal and Postnatal Care

Offering personalised sessions for specific prenatal queries and continuous support throughout your pregnancy and postnatal journey.      

ANTENATAL & hypnobirthing COURSES

Preparation for Birth and Beyond

Custom courses focusing on antenatal education and hypnobirthing techniques, designed to empower you for a positive birthing experience and prepare you for the postnatal period.

My Commitment

Attentive to you and the parental couple

Non-Judgmental and Informed Guidance

Respectful Assistance in Your Choices

Connected: WhatsApp & Email Support